Our journey to changing the world
Architectural design
We design architecture with the future in mind to ensure that our solutions are compatible with today's world but are flexible enough to accommodate the future. We focus on quality and bespoke design as architecture impacts the quality of the built environment and landscape, and the quality of living.
We have gathered knowledge from international work and teaching environments (France, The Netherlands, Italy, Ireland) in order to deliver architectural projects at global standards. Our architectural design process involves on-going dialogue with our clients and different stakeholders.Interior design
We carefully design interiors to create personalised and memorable experiences for every user of a space. Our approach is holistic at all scales.
Robotic Arm Fabrication
We develop in-house research and we focus on including the latest design and fabrication technolgies in our process. We explore the fusion between robotic arm fabrication and architecture with the aid of computational design. We adopt a cross-disciplinary approach to the design process in order to reach innovative solutions.
We engage the latest BIM (Building Information Modelling) design methodology through a 3D model-based design process that allows architects, engineers and construction professionals to better manage the entire design and build process. BIM is a process that begins with the creation of an intelligent 3D model and enables document management, coordination and simulation during the entire lifecycle of a project (plan, design, build, operation and maintenance).